

Grayson is just starting to eat food other than breast milk and formula.  We started him on rice cereal a few weeks ago, introduced oatmeal over the weekend.  Tonight we offered him peas.  It was really closer to pea soup than actual peas, but the flavor is about the same.

The experiment, his first taste of anything flavorful, wasn't a failure, but it was clear he wasn't yet a fan.

He made faces that screamed "Help me!" and "Ewww!"

I'm still laughing about it.

Time will tell whether Grayson enjoys peas, whether he likes avocados, pears, yams.  He may end up liking shrimp and tofu, possibly even eggs.

I hate eggs.  Hate them.  I hate very little in this life, but eggs are near the top of my list.  They taste rotten to me... every time.  (One of my favorite books, though, is still Green Eggs and Ham.)  I don't like them scrambled, fried, over-easy.  I don't like them in an omelet, quiche, or hash.  I do not like green eggs, blue eggs  or red.

And I don't like your eggs.  I promise!  I'm sure your eggs are delicious to most people, but I'm positive they will not be that way for me.  The amount of ketchup does not matter.  Your poaching skills will have no sway.  I've tried; I just don't like eggs.

But thanks anyway. 

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