
And we are mobile...

Life is full of serendipity (and not just because Showtime7 exclusively shows John Cusack movies).  I was struggling all day trying to figure out what I was going to write about.  I thought about writing a poem about mirrors, but even my ideas are pretty crappy for that, let alone anything that resembles words on a page.  I thought about an update to yesterday's post, but the iPhone is still chillin' in rice.  I just didn't have the inspiration I was looking for... until Grayson crawled.

Yep.  Yikes!

He's not quite 8 months old, and he did more than scoot tonight.  It wasn't like he crawled 10 feet across the room, but he made distinctive movements, spanned a distance, and reached his goal.

Because of the iPhone debacle yesterday, I've already transferred this video to the laptop, uploaded it to Facebook, and I'm uploading it here.

I'm so proud of Grayson for figuring this out.  I know that all kids do it, that Grayson isn't special in that sense, but it still fills me with pride that he learned this skill.  Grayson probably learns more in an hour that I learn in a week; babies are remarkable learners, sponges for knowledge.  One of the most surprising joys of parenthood has been watching him learn.  I can honestly see him processing the world around him, discovering colors or his own reflection.  When G was about 6 months old, he recognized the dog as a member of the family.  All he wants to do now is interact with her.

Now that he is mobile, Delilah had better watch her nubby tail. 

I had better keep my eyes peeled too.  It was bad enough when he started rolling, but now I can't leave him anywhere without keeping an eye on him, or keeping him quarantined from outlets and cords.  Heck... we need to get the baby gates out finally!

There is plenty of time to worry about this.  For tonight (now that he is asleep), I will smile, as I share this 45 seconds with y'all.  Enjoy.


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Be gentle... writing everyday creates an imbalance favoring quantity over quality