
Day 1

What have I done?!

I'm 35 years old today; this feels like a milestone, or at least the halfway point between milestones.  It is a time for reflection, a time to pause and measure yourself.  (I'm 5' 9")  As I began to approach this day, I remembered how I love writing, and I began to feel sorry for myself that I didn't write much anymore.  When I was in high school, I was writing 2-3 times a week.  When I was in college, if I wasn't writing for pleasure, I was certainly writing my fair share for my coursework.  In grad school, I took creative writing courses as electives.  Essentially, I was carving out the time to write.

But then I got a real job.  And a house.  And responsibilities.

And I stopped writing.

Anytime I would think about writing again (and there have been times), it wasn't easy.  It was work.

Reflecting on this more, my sorrow and regret turned into a tinge of anger.  I'm angry at myself: for not taking the time to write anymore, for not carving out space in my responsibilities, for letting my skills wane and rust.

Then I realized I can do something about that.  I don't need to be angry at myself.  Anger rarely solves  a problem, but it can be a powerful catalyst in problem-solving.  I can channel that energy into something more productive.  And productive I will be...

I am pledging to myself, to my family and my friends, to my son that I will write something every day for the next year.  For my 36th year.  Not everything will be fantastic writing; in fact, I expect most of it to border on crap, but it will be there.  Every day.  Some days it will be more like a journal documenting the happenings of my life.  Other days it may be poetry or story ideas.  I may even write an essay or two about topics that interest me... maybe open letters to loved ones.  I don't know what I will feel compelled to write about from day to day.  I do know that there will be days where I'm not compelled to write at all, save for the commitment I'm making here.

So here it is: Day 1 in the books so-to-speak.  Only 364 more days to go.

Wish me luck.

P.S. feel free to comment, to offer suggestions, to tell me I'm crazy... because I'm crazy.


  1. I think this is a great idea! I started blogging almost four years ago and although I don't do it every day (usually 5-10 posts a month), it's very rewarding. It helps us keep in touch with family and friends spread out to every part of the country. Good Luck!

    1. Thanks Beth! Not my first blog, but my first one with such an ambitious schedule.

  2. Well, I for one wouldn't mind if you were a *little* bit crazy. All the good writers are. It's what makes them fun to read. I'll be tuning in. Write on!

    1. I think I've got you covered on that little bit crazy part. Going crazier by the minute... wait until Grayson is crawling.

      Thanks for the encouragement!


Be gentle... writing everyday creates an imbalance favoring quantity over quality