
3 Big Things Today

1. Grayson discontinued his cranial cap.  That's right.  G won't be wearing a helmet anymore.  His head is as close to perfect as we are going to get it, and he has reached an age where the helmet would less effective.  Basically, his head's growth rate has slowed significantly.  This is a huge day for him, and for us as parents.  I can't count the number of times I've been asked why G had a helmet... was it because he has seizures?  I understand why people ask, but it gets tiring trying to explain that your son is normal, that he doesn't have a neurological or mental disorder that requires him to protect his head.  No more.  G gets to feel the wind in his hair (and the edge of the coffee table on his forehead).

2. Gay marriage became a thing in Minnesota today.  I've written enough about this in the past, so I won't write much... but this is a big day.  Starting at midnight, 42 couples were married at Minneapolis City Hall by the mayor.  Crowds cheered.  Couples kissed.  Love was recognized, honored and celebrated.  Yay.  I can't wait to see more couples get married.  I have a feeling in 50 years, people will look back on this day the way they look back on Rosa Parks today.  Also, yay to Rhode Island.  Same thing; different state.

3.  Grayson was born 10 months ago.  This means that he has officially spent more time outside the womb than he spent in it.  I can't believe how much he has changed and grown, especially over the last 2 months.  He is about ready to walk; you can see his mind churning, working to figure out how he is going to get around.  Talking is also around the corned.  Life will change.  Again.  Loving every minute of it.

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