
I'm So Money...

And I don't even know it.

Swingers came out the fall I started college.  It was an instant classic around the dorm.  We would quote lines ad nauseum, and we aspired to be as nonchalant as possible.  Most of us felt like Mikes on the inside, while we tried our damnedest to be Trents, Sues and Alexes to the outside world. 

One scene that caught my attention was at the casino in Vegas before Mike and Trent get to the blackjack table; Mike orders a scotch on the rocks, lists off a number of scotches starting with "Glen," concluding his order with "any Glen will do."  This piqued a curiosity for me.  By the time I graduated college, I was hooked on scotch.

Today it is my drink of choice, and tonight, I'm trying a new Glen.  (New to me.)  Glen Garioch.

Founded in 1797, this scotch hails from the highlands.  It's a 12 year single malt, aged in bourbon and sherry casks.  There are notes of heather, poached pears, rich golden barley, and just a hint of oak. It has a "lasting finish;" that's code for: it burns a while.  My palette isn't refined enough to taste all of the notes suggested, but it's smart enough to know it's delish!  I couldn't drink a lot of it at once, but I'm thoroughly enjoying my second pour of the evening. 

If you have any suggestions for odd/uncommon scotches, I'm all ears.


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