
9 Months Old Today

Grayson is 9 months old today.  He's 9 months old already!  I can't believe how time has simultaneously flown by and stood still.  It seems like yesterday that Grayson was gasping for his first breaths and wailing at the relatively cold air around him.  But it also seems like he has been crawling forever, giggling when you give him a zerbert and smiling as he chases the dog.  The whole thing has been a blur, but there are moments I will never forget.  I will always remember his first bath at home, in our kitchen, in that little, pink bucket we got from the hospital.  He pooped in that bath.

He has spent an equal amount of time developing in this wild world as he spent developing in his mother's womb (give or take a week).  In the womb, Grayson moved from a cell or two, growing lungs and a spine, arteries and intestines, fingers and toes.  After being born, he has gained almost 3 times his birth weight, learned to nurse, eat pureed veggies, even feeding himself little puffs of grain.  He has learned to smile, recognize faces, sit up and crawl.  This past week, he has started to clap.

Today is a day of wonder for me.  I wonder what the next 9 months will bring, and what Grayson will be doing on April 1, 2014.  I wonder what the next 9 years will bring, as Grayson is in the 4th grade... or 18 years, as he goes off to college (or whatever they call college in 2031).  I wonder what I'll be doing, and what the world will be like.

Thanks, Grayson, for filling my world with wonder.

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