
Two Puppies Are Better Than One

I hear that every divorce is different.  Mine was cordial for a while; there were some phone calls, an email here or there.  Then we sold the house.  All our assets were completely divided.  Emails got shorter.  Eventually, my ex-wife changed her phone number, moved states and blocked me on social media (not that we were facebook friends anymore).  Maybe I deserve to be disavowed; maybe she can't handle that I moved on.  Regardless of the reason, we have no contact, and we probably never will.  I'm fine with that... finally... at least at the moment.

My friend has been divorced for about a decade.  He and his ex still see each other from time to time.  They live in the same neighborhood, and when someone's car breaks down, the other is willing to offer a ride.  They aren't best friends, but they recognize the past they shared, and they honor that.

Stacy is facebook friends with her ex.  As is her parents, her sister, and many of her friends.  She has a key to his house.  He has one to ours.  When we bought a desk (a 275 pound desk), he helped me move it.  When we got married, he watched Delilah for four days.  I've actually had a beer with him when Stacy wasn't around, and Stacy exchanges texts with him on a regular basis.  Even though their divorce has been final for quite some time, they remain friends.  They (we) share custody of their dog, Bella.  The custody agreement is fluid (and by no means in writing).  It started off with every other week, then became every third week.  Now we get Bella whenever we ask, like when Grayson was born; we wanted Bella to get used to a baby being around.  More often, though, we get Bella when Stacy's ex is out of town.  We dog-sit for each other.

Every divorce is different. 

I'm just lucky that I get to be around a second, awesome dog whenever my ex-husband goes out of town.

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