
Daddy Daycare

I had the pleasure of spending my entire day with Grayson!

The child has been under the weather for almost two weeks now, and after a few doctors appointments, some discussions with daycare, and a few days with relatives, we decided that Grayson needed to stay home.  Since Stacy's job keeps her tied to her desk (and she had already taken time off earlier in the week), I worked from home today, and I'll do so tomorrow.

I certainly gained a lot of respect for child care professionals today; it took extra effort and planning to get any significant work done.  Grayson ate up as much of my time as I'd allow.  There were feedings during conference calls, and there were enough poopy diapers to make our trash noticeable. 

What I recognized today, while bonding with the child, was that he changes every day.  People... parents, have told me over the years that children change quickly, and that if you blink you could miss it.  I believed them, but Now I know the.

G changes so much, and I don't get to see that often.  But today, I got to witness it first hand.  He crawled.  He babbled.  He whined.  He reached for things.  He was perfect in his own ways.  I'm lucky to be blessed with some time with him.  I'm glad that he is in my life, teaching me something new every day, especially when life gets in the way from you.

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