This past week it has dawned on me that I will spend the next 6 months or so waking up in the dark. Or, more to the point, it hasn't dawned on me... and that is a problem.
I love living in Minnesota. I love the seasons we experience. I love our long summer days, where the sun doesn't set until close to 10:00 PM. I love freshly fallen snow, and the crispness of winter air. I enjoy cooler evenings up north in the late spring, perfect for sweatshirts and shorts. I love lots of things about this great state.
I hate waking up in the dark.
The human body is hardwired to be awake when the sun is up and asleep when the sun goes down. Our sleeping patterns are based on this fact. Our minds and bodies function better with a little vitamin D. This is one of the reasons that people who work the 3rd shift have such a difficult time switching their body clocks... we are simply designed to sleep at night.
This morning, all I wanted to do was stay in bed. Sure, I was up later last night. Sons of Anarchy is on a 90-minute-per-episode kick right now, and I didn't get home from choir rehearsal until close to 9:00. Couple that with some household chores, and I was up past 11:30. This wouldn't be too bad in the summer time. 6 hours of sleep is pretty healthy for most people, and if the sun is up and the birds are chirping, I have little problem getting out of bed. This morning, though, I was shrouded in darkness. My alarm was clearly telling me it was time to get up, but my body was stuck on the fact that the sun was still sleeping... and if the sun is still sleeping, why shouldn't I be?
I also know that it will only get worse before it gets better. As November and December approach, I know that there will be whole days where I wouldn't see the sun unless I intentionally look for it! I will drop Grayson off at daycare in the dark, arrive at work before the sun rises, and I will stay at my desk until after the sun has set...
So if I'm a bit cranky, know that it isn't you (probably). It is just the fact that I haven't felt the rays of wonderful sun on my face in over a month... I promise to be in a better mood come April.
You can always find sunshine,even when the sun isn't shining. Look in the faces of your family, for the reflection of a reading lamp on the pages of a good book, for the inner glow after a job well done. Sunshine is more a state of mind than an experience.